Radu Paraschivescu

Radu Paraschivescu

  • Romania

Radu Paraschivescu, born in Bucharest in 1960, is a very popular Romanian writer, columnist, and translator. He is the author of three novels, a collection of short stories, a book of essays on foul play in sports, an essay on uncouth behavior, and two collections of stupid quotes. Over the last eighteen years, Radu Paraschivescu has rendered into Romanian over sixty books from various fields such as fiction, sports encyclopedias, management, art history, nationalism, politics, and history. Among the authors he has translated one can count Julian Barnes, D.H. Lawrence, Virginia Woolf, Salman Rushdie, Kazuo Ishiguro, William Burroughs, John Steinbeck, and more. Radu Paraschivescu currently works as a senior editor for the Humanitas Publishing House and contributes to prominent Romanian newspapers and magazines.

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